we know how important corporate social responsibility is. We want to make your service day as meaningful and impactful as possible by creating a customized project for groups of 5-5,000. 

Why do a day of service with us? 

  • Team building
  • Serve the community
  • Feel good
  • Take a day out of the office
  • increase awareness of your company within the community

What makes us unique? 

  • We can scale any project- We can work with group sizes 5-5,000 on the same site! 
  • We take care of everything! No need to worry about supplies, tools, water, safety equipment, or volunteer accident insurance.  
  • We NEVER ask our community partners to purchase supplies for your service day. We cover the costs for everything. 
  • We can arrange transportation and meals for additional costs. 

Previous clients and what they've done

  • Folgers- Painted artwork for local youth centers in schools
  • Morgan Stanley- Completed a KaBoom playground build
  • Metagenics- Painted classrooms at Einstein Charter School 
  • Humana, AirBnb, LaPorte CPA's, Food Marketing Institute, + more
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