we know how important corporate social responsibility is. We want to make your service day as meaningful and impactful as possible by creating a customized project for groups of 5-5,000.
Why do a day of service with us?
Team building
Serve the community
Feel good
Take a day out of the office
increase awareness of your company within the community
What makes us unique?
We can scale any project- We can work with group sizes 5-5,000 on the same site!
We take care of everything! No need to worry about supplies, tools, water, safety equipment, or volunteer accident insurance.
We NEVER ask our community partners to purchase supplies for your service day. We cover the costs for everything.
We can arrange transportation and meals for additional costs.
Previous clients and what they've done
Folgers- Painted artwork for local youth centers in schools
Morgan Stanley- Completed a KaBoom playground build
Metagenics- Painted classrooms at Einstein Charter School
Humana, AirBnb, LaPorte CPA's, Food Marketing Institute, + more